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Caffeine Free & Loaded w/ Memoirs

I can't remember the last time I drank an ice cold Dad's Root Beer - I'd guess it was probably many years ago with my very own dad! The reason I mention this is because while picking up a few groceries today, I saw a lonely case of Dad's tossed to the back of one of the store shelves. Just seeing the case design brought back so many pleasant memories - a small taste of the fizzy beverage must have unlocked a reconciled portion of my memory as I reminisced the good 'ol days.

I did a little site redesigning today - tell me what you think of it. My goals were to get my homepage to load quicker and also to finally get rid of that "Lorem Ipsum" crap at the bottom of the page. I think I reached both of them. Also, I gave everything a little more uniform look and am working on a few banners to rotate on the top of my homepage.

Other than that, it wasn't a very productive day. Made it to class and did some work at ISUtv, but that's about it. I'm trying to draw an outline for my internship this year which, by the way, is (hopefully) going to be my own small film business. My initial target is going to be the public high schools of central Iowa. More on this as it develops.

Thorn(s): no summer job yet, another lonely day
Rose(s): groceries, nice day, hope for ACCT

"Anything you acquire is just one more thing you lose."


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 27, 2004 10:55 PM.

The previous post in this blog was What surprises will each new day bring?.

The next post in this blog is Officially Unemployed.

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