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New Guinea?!?!

No news is good news. At least that's what they tell me. But wait - if I have news, does that make it bad news? Well, unfortunately it is. Remember that cold that I told you Asia had last night? Well, she was getting gradually worse throughout the night so I went to Wal-Mart at about 1am to see what meds they had for guinea pigs. It turns out, all they had were food and salt wheels. I got a salt wheel thinking it may heighten her spirits, but my efforts would appear to be in vain this morning. Her cold must have been a more serious ailment then I thought - when I woke up this morning she was stiff and cold - she passed during the night. I'm not blaming myself because I know that I took care of that pet in every way. I called up Petsmart and they said that if I bring the remains in w/in 14 days, they'd give me a full refund or exchange.

So I took advantage of that offer and made a trip to Ankeny to get my new guinea pig (no pun intended). Ronda and I picked out a new little friend and welcomed her into a freshly bedded cage. After tossing around a few names, we decided on Abby (yah, I know, another "A" name, but hey - what can ya do). Here she is if ya wanna see her - pretty cute.

I noticed today that this site has been getting a visitor from the city of Gent in Belgium. This interests me since I didn't even know that my site was in the search engines yet, but hey! Mr. Belgium (or Mrs.), if you are reading this now, please click on the guestbook link to the left and let us all know who you are and how the fine city of Gent is doing these days.

Also, I noticed that my bro A.J. has been checkin' this site out (a few hits from Florida), but he hasn't signed my guest book yet - what's up with that? Sign the book man - all the cool people do ;)

Well, I suppose that I should get some sleep so I can make it to my last day of class tomorrow. Hasta!

Thorn(s): One (1) dead guinea pig; no peanuts :(
Rose(s): One (1) healthy guinea pig; real food!; Omahains

Comments (1)


Thorn(s): Aching back from driving; my poor dead Asia :(
Rose(s): Charles the singing machine; peanuts; that smile!; playing with my dogs before I left; attending my last day of class; playing with Murphy and Abby now!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 29, 2004 2:14 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Officially Unemployed.

The next post in this blog is imagine.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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