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Karma rolls around

You know what sucks? Being woken up at 6:30am to be blamed for some of the inconveniences of the internet - blah! Not a good way to start the day off.

You know what rocks? Actually reaching my academic goal for the semester - even with a g/f! I now will (hopefully) be accepted into the Iowa State Golden Key Honor Society - hooray for Charles.

You know what really rocks? Being awarded another $1300 scholarship for the 2004-2005 school year. My letter of congratulations was waiting in my mailbox today. What a pleasant surprise to arrive home to.

My worries for the summer are now gone. I, honestly, have nothing else to fret. My only obligations are to pass JL MC 201 and paint the FH chapter house - oh what a great summer this is going to be.

Also in my mailbox were two tickets to Adventureland Theme Park that were waiting patiently for my return. I think Ronda and I will hit the park up this weekend and celebrate all of the good things that have happened in both of our lives this semester.

By the way, if you are interested, I've posted a few new photo albums in my photos section. Check it out if you have a minute or two.

"Troy" hits theatres this Friday - for real this time. I will be going. I'm hoping that I will get more out of the flic than a debit of $6.50 and a loss of 2 hours of my life.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 13, 2004 11:48 PM.

The previous post in this blog was charlesroper.net goes on a diet.

The next post in this blog is frothy.

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