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This just in . . .

!!!charlesroper.net has progressed to version 1.5!!!
What does that mean? Well, not a whole lot actually - just that there have been some significant improvements in the site's functionality and design. I deemed it necessary to declare it now version 1.5. My guess is that there won't be any more versoin advancements until the Seinfeld section goes on-line.

If you hadn't noticed, my resume is now password-protected. I intend to have that section available only to potential employers. Don't feel bad - you wouldn't want to find out that about me anyway.

Once again my radar detector has saved my butt on the interstate. That thing is going to pay for itself yet. Trooper nearly got broadsided when he crossed the interstate to "try" and pull me over. What he didn't know was that I had an advanced warning of his presence and adjusted my speed accordingly.

Well, looking forward to watching the "Jackal" now and catching up on some serious zzz's.

Comments (2)


Charlie Charlie...If he was crossing the interstate for you, you already have been cought. He wasn't crossing for you man, sorry. I had a cop do that for me once too, he already had my speed. I got the ticket. (and later learned I wasn't far off when I told the officer what i thought my speed was because my speedometer was off. so not fair). Anyway, just lettin' ya know.


I'm pretty sure that he crossed because he thought he'd have a pretty good chance at catching me if he actually wanted to check my speed. I was noticeably going faster than all of the surrounding cars so I think he crossed planning on sneaking up behind me or something. Silly cops - tickets are for speeders.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 11, 2004 11:10 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Albums, and Pictures, and Thumbnails - Oh My!.

The next post in this blog is charlesroper.net goes on a diet.

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