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Workin' Man

After a week of necessary preparations, the FH crew began painting the kitchen. It's only the first coat of many, but boy what a difference it has already made. We have a nifty little tool which has sped the process along to unfathomable degrees. It was a nice change from scrubbing the walls all day long.

I arranged a meeting with my academic advisor today to go over my newly edited four year plan. I'm set up to still graduate in four years, not that I'd expect much different. I'm still trying to fit JL MC 201 into my schedule and may even end up taking it at DMACC every Tuesday and Thursday next semester in Ankeny, IA. I guess I'll do whatever it takes to get into some fun production classes.

Also, I've been working pretty hard on getting my portfolio together of video productions I've done. I'm digging through piles of VHS tapes looking for quality productions of mine, however, I can't find copies of most of the ones I made in high school. So, if I've ever produced a video with you and gave you a copy (which I should have), please help me out here and let me know. It would be much appreciated. I'm copying all of them onto DVD to protect them from any more bombardment from the VCR. My little brother is even helping me out here by getting copies of my productions from a few teachers at CLHS. Thank goodness I was nice enough to make them copies - I'd be lost without them!

I now leave you with a cute pic that Ronda took today of Murphy with the teddy bear he'll never part with. Good night friends!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 26, 2004 11:40 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Mmmmmonkey Bread.

The next post in this blog is Been a While.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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