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falling asleep at the keyboard

If I start to ramble or just abruptly end this post, it's because I've had a severe lack of sleep in the past three days. Although work wasn't stressful today, it still took it out of me because of my previously mentioned problem. I was about to tape my eyelids open around noon and actually fell asleep on the car ride home. Kinda scary. Hopefully tonight I will get some solid snooze time and remedy this hazard.

I played "Animal Crossing" on GameCube tonight for the first time and must say that it is quite entertaining. It's pretty neat how it is based on real time so my town (Roanoke) in the game is disturbingly similar to the one outside my window . . . . . well, despite the fact that it has furry little animals running amuck and bells as a form of currency.

I'm sure not posting as much as I'd like to, but what can ya do. Most of the time my day was so exhausting that it would just kill me to relive it all again while typing it out. And all I can think about now is getting some sleep instead of talking about getting some sleep. Later.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 8, 2004 11:04 PM.

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