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Sleep hangover?

In an attempt to catch up on lost sleep, is it possible for one to oversleep and suffer from a "sleep hangover"? If so, I need a bloody mary. Now. I have recently been getting an average of four hours of sleep - mostly due to work and pressing deadlines on campus. Of course, 2am hockey games do not promote a healthy sleeping schedule either.

I think I'll check out eBay to see if I can get a good deal on some quality sleep. They seem to have everything else these days.

Ronda and I are trying to decide on where to live next year, and let me tell you, it isn't easy to plan things 6 months in advance. Right now, we're leaning towards staying in our current apt. just because it would require zero "0" effort on our part - aside from signing another year lease. Idealy, we want to move into a duplex or rental house with some friends, and if that doesn't work out, we hope that another friend moves into our complex. Either way, things will work out and all will be good within two or three weeks.

Right now, I'm involved in an [begin sarcasm] exciting discussion [end sarcasm] about documentaries and full length features. It's a discussion spurred soley by my fellow peers - and if there is anything more exciting than discussing documentaries, it's watching someone excessively overuse air-quotes and the phrases "quote" and "un-quote".

It's days like this that reassure me in my rash decision to buy two plane tickets to Orlando and two week long Disney World passes for use over spring break.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 22, 2005 11:26 AM.

The previous post in this blog was The dog who loved too much.

The next post in this blog is How well do you know Charles?.

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