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Lesbian Love Letters

Ronda and I live in an apartment complex which has only enough parking spots for its tenants. We both have cars so our two allotted spots are always in use. When we have guests, we usually tell them to park in the spot near my car, because the girls who own that spot don't have a car to park there. Up until today this has never been a problem.

My parents came to visit us today and parked the van there for a while this afternoon. This is the actual note that was placed on the van (by said girls) when we returned home to the apartment.

Lesbian Love Letter

These chicks never use the parking spot. In fact, I don't think that they have any friends because not once have I seen another car parked in that spot. They're lesbians, and unattractive ones at that, and are apparently very possessive over their empty parking space.

Perhaps my dad's van was blocking their incredibly beautiful view of the side of the nearby garage, who knows. I just thought it was a bit ridiculous to write such a note for the small amount of time that the van was parked there.

Women . . . I'll never understand them.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 12, 2005 4:30 AM.

The previous post in this blog was A Belated Memorial.

The next post in this blog is What's Mine Is Yours.

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