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What's Mine Is Yours

Ronda and I applied for our first joint checking account today at US Bank. We feel that this will be a smart way to ease into the fact that we will be sharing everything with one another for the rest of our lives. It's also pretty convenient because now we won't have to write a bazillion checks when it comes time to pay the rent and utilities.

I'm heading up to Minnesota this weekend with my dad, lil' bro, and cousin to canoe the beautiful St. Croix River. It's an annual camping trip hosted by Boy Scout Troop 30 (Clear Lake, IA) that typically falls on Father's Day weekend. In the past, it has almost always rained throughout the three day trip, but my father assures me that the weather this year will be quite nice.

I'm putting in extra hours at work this week to make up for this vacation so, by the time Friday rolls around, I'll be ready to kick off my shoes and drift down the river. In fact, I'm going to try to refrain from any activity this weekend what-so-ever. The only entertainment I'll be bringing with me is a blank pad of paper and Edward Abbey's "Desert Solitaire." What a great weekend this will be.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 15, 2005 9:00 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Life Like Weeds.

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