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Ants, Beware!

I will be moving to a new apartment in a little over a week and have consequently stopped worrying about keeping the place up to par. Murphy, too, has been letting things slide as he's pooped in the house twice this week which is unusual for him as he's only done this two or three other times since we've lived here.

Ronda's been keeping busy killing ants. We live on the second floor of our complex, but somehow a family of ants has managed to infiltrate our bedroom. They've managed to penetrate our first line of defense, a note card covered in honey. The "honey trap" caught many ants, but they've moved on to bigger and better places, like our bed. With any luck, Ronda's determination will hinder their attempts at finding my late night crumbs.

I'm just finishing up my first four videos for work. It's been an educational experience working on these since the beginning of June, however I'm ready to move onto something else. I've got 3 other video projects that have been sitting on the back burner for a while. In addition, I have yet to design a website for my business as well as one for my upcoming wedding.

Well this break has been longer than I can actually afford. I had better head back to my studio and warm up the Mac. Until next time . . .


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 21, 2005 8:52 PM.

The previous post in this blog was View from Ferris Wheel at Six Flags.

The next post in this blog is Art is Hard.

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